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Welcome to our hub of knowledge and empowerment! We are proud to offer a broad range of courses at our institute that are tailored to meet the needs and interests of students. We provide something for everyone, regardless of whether your goals are to improve your communication abilities,

explore different cultures, or expand your scholarly horizons.


Discover our extensive selection of courses, all of which have been painstakingly designed with attention to detail and are taught by seasoned experts passionate about developing talent and promoting growth.

Online Courses on Gender and Feminism
Learn with Spriha Society

Panel Discussions by Spriha Society

 Insightful Dialogues on Queering Politics: Panel Discussions by Spriha Society 

 Join Our Expert Panels to Raise Awareness and Enhance Community Wellness 

 Queering Politics Panel Discussion by Spriha Society

We invite you to participate in a panel discussion titled "Queering Politics," where we will discuss the landmark ruling that decriminalized homosexuality by the Indian Supreme Court. The important ramifications of this historic decision, how it affects the rights of the LGBTQ+ community, and how we can continue moving toward acceptance and equality will all be covered in-depth by our esteemed panelists. This is an invaluable opportunity to have thoughtful discussions and learn much about the changing political landscape around LGBTQ+ issues in India.

Few highlights of our enjoyed panel talks

Menstrual Hygiene Day by Spriha Society

Recently we organized an online panel discussion "Breaking Barriers: Achieving Menstrual Equity Through Awareness and Policy"

1. Dr. Rituparna Patgiri, Assistant Professor, IIT Guwahati 
2. Dr. Sherin Sabu, Assistant Professor, IIT Jodhpur
3. Dr. Sumana Som, Assistant Professor, IIT Jodhpur 
Moderator: Dr. Tonisha Guin,  Assistant Professor, IIT Jodhpur 

Menstrual Hygiene Day Panel Discusion

 Explore a variety of menstrual products for your comfort and convenience 

 Spriha Society believes in promoting period health and hygiene management. We realize the significance of providing a varied choice of menstruation products that respond to different preferences and needs. Here are some worthwhile alternatives to consider.

menstrual care

Sanitary Napkins

Sanitary napkins, frequently referred to as pads, are a popular and dependable menstrual protection option. They come in a variety of sizes and absorbency levels, guaranteeing comfort and leak-free protection during your period. 

menstrual health products


Tampons are a secure and simple alternative for women who want to move freely during their periods. These little, absorbent items are placed into the vagina to directly collect menstrual flow. Tampons are available in a number of sizes and varieties, allowing you to adapt your flow and activities.  

How to choose the rught menstrual care product

Choosing the right fit


Menstrual cups

Menstrual cups are becoming more popular as a more environmentally friendly, cost-effective alternative to standard goods. These reusable cups are made of medical-grade silicone and catch menstrual flow internally. They are comfy, environmentally friendly, and can be used for many years if properly cared for.

Selecting the proper menstruation product is critical for your comfort and cleanliness. Each person's body is unique, and we urge you to experiment with different alternatives to find what works best for you. For information on menstruation product selection, please seek advice from healthcare professionals or consult our educational resources.


While Spriha Society does not presently offer these items, our commitment to menstrual health and gender awareness motivates us to look into partnerships and projects that will make these resources available to all.

Contact Spriha Society

Address- 44A, Baburam Ghosh Rd, Ashok Nagar, Tollygunge, Kolkata, West Bengal 700040


Phone: +91 9903710722


Spriha Society

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